BrinFreeze's Character Hub

Red-Light || Healer

Kit Name | Carlisle Bellavance |
Meaning | Old English; "From the Walled City" | French; Compond of belle ("beautiful") and avance ("advance," "overture.") |
True Name | Lestat |
Meaning | French; "Stately" or "Status" |
Nickname(s) | Carly, Spooky Boy |
Tribe | Light Tribe |
Branch | Primary |
Rank | Healer |
Gender | Demi-Boy |
Pronouns | "He/Him" or "They/Them" |
Age | Adult |
Birth Season | Summer (End) 105 |
Star Sign | Lunarian the Dragon |
"Basic Bitch" | Held a "Neutral' reputation for 6+ months. |
Breed | Siberian Mix |
Build | Lestat has long legs and appears quite sturdy. However, his long fur hides the fact that he hardly has any muscle to him. He has pointy ears, high cheekbones, and upturned eyes. |
Height | 14 inches |
Fur | He has a long thick coat, especially around his neck and on his tail. His fur is silky to the touch. He keeps it well groomed. |
Color | Lestat is a dark tabby with a primarily white face and underbelly. His limbs start out as dark ginger and then gradually shift to maroon and, finally, to a dark purplish gray along his back. His tabby stripes extend to both of his eyes, as if he were wearing a ghoulish mask. |
Notable Features | His fangs are always visible. He also has piercing red eyes that are framed by his long, full eyelashes. |
Injuries | None |
Accessories | Lestat wears a pair of red-tinted glasses, silver earrings, and a short Victorian styled cape. His nails are usually painted red. |

Carlisle Bellavance was born to one of the noble families in the kingdom of Azurine. He, like many of his relatives, was a member of the royal scholars. In his youth, Carlisle showed a lot of promise as scholar, but he wouldn't truly appreciate his position until later.
In addition to their academic adeptness, the Bellavance family shared something else in common; something much less fortunate. Many of the males in their family would bruise easier than most cats. Even a small injury would lead to excessive bleeding. In worst cases, it could even mean death. This was exactly how Carlisle's father went and it was how many Bellavances went before him. Despite there clearly being an issue, the family never talked about their condition or ever cared to take it into account when choosing who to marry. Carlisle was the only one who seemed to care.
The death of his father (and his mother not long after) along with his frustrations regarding his family sent Carlisle spiraling into a deep depression. He would engage in self-destructive behaviors and would frequently neglect his responsibilities as a scholar. One night in particular, Carlisle was in charge of making copies of some important scrolls. He quickly grew bored of the tedious task and instead decided to join his friends in a soiree he knew they were having. He left without locking up the original scrolls and, of course, they ended up being stolen by a thieves guild that had been causing problems for the kingdom for quite some time.
Carlisle learned his lesson after this mistake and devoted himself his studies from there after but the damage had already been done. His uncle looked down on him for tarnishing their family name and the other scholars put restrictions on the sort of information and alchemy he could learn. This was a problem when it came to doing research on his family's bleeding disorder. It was also a lot harder to make connections with other members of the kingdom's nobility. He had no problem befriending any of the common folk, however, and so he would usually spend his free time prowling the streets and getting into all sorts of shenanigans once he had finished his work for the day.
Just as Carlisle was approaching 2 years of age, Erravi, one of the Princes of Azurine, went missing. It was assumed that she was kidnapped by the same thieves guild that took the scrolls. A reward was put out to anyone who could facilitate her safe return but a few months passed and the prince still had not been found. It was at this time that Carlisle saw an opportunity. If he could find Erravi and bring her home, he could restore his and his family's honor. With his mind made up, the young scholar packed his things and set out on his quest.
By some miracle, Carlisle survived his time traversing the desert. At one point he was held up by a couple of bandits, but wanting to avoid injury, Carlisle gave up his belongings without a fuss and told them he'd share his food with them if he could shack up with them for awhile. While staying with the cats, he learned that they were once apart of the thieves guild but that it had since disbanded and that they couldn't have been responsible for taking Erravi.
He traveled with the bandits for a few days before reaching the tribe territories. After that, he was on his own. He never did find the lost prince lost but he did find a meadow that was home to 7 totems. Upon touching one of them, the Light Spirit gave him a new name and a tattoo. Apparently he was part of a tribe now?
Lestat is still not quite sure what to make of this place and he hasn't forgotten his mission to find Erravi of course, but he loves the energy of these Light Tribe cats and they clearly have access to powerful magic. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to just stay here for awhile...
Summer 107
Lestat tries out for the Headmaster position.
He, along with his tribemate, Yui, are chosen to join an expedition to find some tribe cats that had misteriously vanished.
Jazlyn lends him some equipment for the expedition and teaches some rudimentary healing skills. Lestat is grateful and becomes extremely fond of her.
Lestat helps the Void Tribe detective, Fenrir, investigate the disappearance of the Conjurer, Shion. They Discover that Shion had been led away by a mysterious kitten before vanishing into a black hole.
The scholar invents a contraption to help cats see extremely small things; a microscope! He presents his invention to his peers with some help from fellow scholar Wing and Wing's boyfriend, Scuff.
Lestat sets off with the rest of the rescue party. He agrees to carry Mizuki's things in his satchel.
He along with many of his travel companions notice a problem with their tattoos and powers. Something is wrong in the tribes!
The party discovers that the missing tribe cats had been taken by an entity named Talos. Talos agrees to let his captives go if the cats promise to find his missing children.
Lestat is present when Mizuki proposes to Yui. How sweet!
Fall 107
The party returns home to find that the tribes are under attack by a half-spirit named Absinthe and the dragon, Demogorgan.
Lestat is given the rank of Headmaster!
The tribes defeat Absinthe and Demogorgan but Jazlyn's soul is damaged after her soulbond was killed during the battle. The Shaman falls into a coma and has yet to wake up.
Winter 107
Lestat is worried for Jazlyn and visits her frequently. He makes her a quilt so she won't get cold.
Jazlyn awakes from her coma during Light Tribe's Winter Ball. She retires from her role as Shaman.
Lestat works with the healers to find a cure for Sitka's cancer.
The rank of Scholar is replaced Clerics. Lestat takes this opportunity to step down as Headmaster and change his profession to Healer.
He feels very fulfilled in his new role.
Lestat and Rose form an... odd friendship at the end of the season.
Spring 108
A hurricane destroys Light Tribe's camp!
Light Tribe stays in Fire Tribe until they find a suitable new home.
Lestat informs Pearl and her mate that she is expecting kittens. He helps her return to Water Tribe and deliver the kits.
Rose and Lestat go on the occasional date.
Summer 108
At the gathering, Rose introduces Lestat to his friends, Sparks and Kodin. They hit it off right away!
Some time later, Kodin and his sister, Oleander, go to see Lestat because she is feeling ill. He discovers that it's because she is pregnant. Is this becoming a pattern with him?...
Mizuki invites Lestat to the beach, where she introduces him to Tarik. It's a bit of an awkward first meeting.
Light Tribe relocates to the tundra!
Lestat tries to spend a romantic evening with Rose during Light Tribe's house warming party. The couple is interrupted by their friends and a meteor shower however.
Light Tribe is getting used to their new home. While out on a walk. Rose, Lestat, and Sparks run into Elios, Rose's ex-lover.
A fight breaks out between the two cats. Lestat and Sparks manage to neutralize the situation but Lestat is not happy with Rose for attacking a fellow Tribe cat.
Fall 108
Lestat avoids Rose at the next gathering.
He meets a Blue-Void named Arcadia and the two start going on dates.
Lestat and Arc have a lovely time watching the migrating butterflies.
In the end, Lestat and Arc decide they're better off as just friends.
Winter 108

Alignment | Neutral Good |
Major Arcana | The Magician |
Myers-Briggs | ENFP "The Campaigner" |
Positive Traits | Compassionate, Friendly, Professional |
Neutral Traits | Hedonistic, Dramatic, Curious |
Negative Traits | Morbid, Vain, Fickle |
"The night, she calls me..."
Lestat works hard but he also plays hard. The healer is very dedicated to his work and when the situation calls for it, he is quick to adopt a more professional demeanor. His patients' comfort is his first priority, after all. On his off hours, however, he's pretty wild.
Having a flare for the dramatic, the goth's emotions are always intensely felt and will range from mania to deep despair. Lestat is a night owl with a passion for art, music, good food, and good company. He seeks to surround himself with beautiful things and beautiful people. Being as friendly as he is, he's usually successful on that front. A romantic at heart, Lestat fully believes in love at first sight. He's easily won over by looks but unfortunatey he is equally as easily bored. It takes something or someone of a considerably exciting or volatile nature to hold his attention for more than a week.
One interest that he's never grown tired of, though, is science. The healer loves to unravel the mysteries of the feline body and it's genetic makeup. He has a special interest in his family's history of poor health and hopes to cure himself of his blood disorder one day.
Lestat has an irreverent sense of humor. He'll make light of grim topics and his interest in gothic themes and aesthetics tends to unnerve others. He also tends to be pretty forgiving of cats for their crimes. What's a little mischief here and there? Of course, some crimes are more severe than others. He loves the tribes and doesn't want anyone disturbing the peace they've created. He's probably the most responsible of his friends despite his care-free persona that he puts on.

Soulbond | N/A |
Best Friend(s) | Mizuki, Sparks, Kodin, Rose |
Mentor | N/A |
Apprentice | Kozume |
Orientation | Bisexual |
Relationship Status | "It's Complicated" |
Partner(s) | Rose(?) |
Current Attractions | Rose, Kodin, Sparks |
Past Attrections | Arcadia |
Preferences | Lestat tends to be pretty shallow when it comes to seeking out a partner. He just wants a pretty face or someone who can manage to hold his attention. He has an immediate interest in anyone whose aesthetic is similar to his own. |
Name | Tattoo | Relationship | Status |
Evangeline | Tattooless | Mother | Deceased |
Marius | Tattooless | Father | Deceased |
Annalyse | Tattooless | Sister | Alive |
Armund | Tattooless | Uncle | Alive |
Name | Tattoo | Relationship | Status |
Jazlyn | Pink-Light | Friend/Mother figure | Alive |
Dragar | Purple-Light | Former Advisor | Alive |
Wing | Gray-Light | Friend | Unknown |
Scuff | Gray-Light | Friend | Unknown |
Fenrir | Blue-Void | Acquaintance | Alive |
Erravi | Gold-Fire | Former Prince of Azurine | Alive |
Xavier | Gray-Light | Acquaintance | Unknown |
Heisei | Gray-Shadow | Former Academic Peer | Alive |
Mizuki | Red-Shadow | Best Friend | Alive |
Yui | Silver-Light | Friend/Leader | Alive |
Pin | Pink-Air | Acquaintance | Alive |
Hart | Blue-Earth | Acquaintance | Alive |
Alcina | Green-Earth | Acquaintance | Alive |
Lumen | Blue-Water | Acquaintance | Alive |
Macbeth | Purple-Light | Former Apprentice | Alive |
Kozume | White-Light | Apprentice | Alive |
Rose | Green-Light | Boyfriend(?) | Alive |
Sparks | Orange-Light | Friend | Alive |
Kodin | Red-Void | Friend | Alive |
Tarik | Orange-Fire | Friend | Alive |
Arcadia | Blue-Void | Fling | Alive |

RP Info
Central Standard Time (GMT -6)
Preferred RP Platforms
DeviantArt Notes: No
DeviantArt Comments: Maybe
Skype: no
Discord: Yes
Google Docs: Maybe
Facebook Messenger: No